Firebreathing Kittens
Firebreathing Kittens plays a different TTRPG every week. Four of the rotation of cast members will bring you a story that has a beginning and end. Every episode is a standalone plot in the season long anthology. There’s no need to catch up on past adventures or listen to every single release. You can hop in to any tale that sounds fun. Join as they explore the world, solve mysteries, attempt comedic banter, and enjoy friendship.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
The FBK Guild takes on a space mystery involving kidnapping, illegal gambling and secret slides! Join Eddie, Olathe, and Brandi as they unravel the chaos that's afoot!
"So Then I Started Blasting" is a Lasers and Feelings actual play podcast. This episode uses the Lasers and Feelings ttrpg.
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
The FBK Guild takes on a space mystery involving kidnapping, illegal gambling and secret slides! Join Eddie, Olathe, and Brandi as they unravel the chaos that's afoot!
"So Then I Started Blasting" is a Lasers and Feelings actual play podcast. This episode uses the Lasers and Feelings ttrpg.
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Lothario, Rufus, and Graveyard take a “land ship” to Gardyloo in the Atchawalla Swamp to fill requisition requests they found on the quest board in the FB guild hall. They soon learn this will not be the bog-standard fetch quest they were imagining.
"The Potion Commotion" is an actual play podcast of Swamp Troll Witches, a table top role playing game. This episode of Firebreathing Kittens is a Swamp Troll Witches actual play podcast.
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Lothario, Rufus, and Graveyard take a “land ship” to Gardyloo in the Atchawalla Swamp to fill requisition requests they found on the quest board in the FB guild hall. They soon learn this will not be the bog-standard fetch quest they were imagining.
"The Potion Commotion" is an actual play podcast of Swamp Troll Witches, a table top role playing game. This episode of Firebreathing Kittens is a Swamp Troll Witches actual play podcast.
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
A gigantic sea dragon has washed up on Niqamui's shores! Join Ava, Flex and Olathe as they literally dive into adventure to get to the heart of the matter...
This episode of Firebreathing Kittens is an actual play of the Relic Hunter ttrpg, table top role playing game. "Stop Dragon My Heart Around" is a Relic Hunter actual play podcast.
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
A gigantic sea dragon has washed up on Niqamui's shores! Join Ava, Flex and Olathe as they literally dive into adventure to get to the heart of the matter...
This episode of Firebreathing Kittens is an actual play of the Relic Hunter ttrpg, table top role playing game. "Stop Dragon My Heart Around" is a Relic Hunter actual play podcast.
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Graveyard, Rufus, and Lothario take on an escort contract aboard the galleon The Revenge. Soon an unexpected event forces them to think differently about time, consequences, and their own mortality.
This episode is an actual play podcast of the D6 Feet Under table top role playing game. Firebreathing Kittens podcast played the ttrpg D6 Feet Under.
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Graveyard, Rufus, and Lothario take on an escort contract aboard the galleon The Revenge. Soon an unexpected event forces them to think differently about time, consequences, and their own mortality.
This episode is an actual play podcast of the D6 Feet Under table top role playing game. Firebreathing Kittens podcast played the ttrpg D6 Feet Under.
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Hello! In case you're listening to Firebreathing Kittens for the first time and have scrolled to our oldest episode: this is an explanation of what the podcast is, and what you can expect.
Q: What is it?
A: Firebreathing Kittens is a fictional fantasy audio show you can listen to for entertainment.
Q: Who is the intended audience?
A: Adults who enjoy fantasy, mystery, friendship filled adventures. Firebreathing Kittens is not appropriate for children.
Q: What are tabletop role playing games?
A: Tabletop role playing games are mechanics, or rules. Good stories often contain conflict, and having a set of math rules can help to simulate combat. Game mechanics help answer the questions: what was the fight like, and who won? Tabletop role playing games also involve acting out a role. Players can pretend to be various fantasy creatures and martial and spell casting classes. You can be a wizard, a fighter, or whatever you want. Adventures are coordinated by someone called a “Game Master”, or GM. Here at Firebreathing Kittens, we all rotate through being players and Game Masters, which provides a diversity of GM styles and a rainbow of viewpoints for how different people see the world. It gives everyone a chance to tell their story.
Q: Are the adventures sequential? Phrased another way: should these episodes be listened to in a specific order?
A: Nope. This is an anthology, not a mandatorily sequential series that you have to listen to from episode one to the end. Each episode has been designed to stand sturdily on its own two feet without requiring the listener to recall any background information from past history to understand the current story. You have the freedom to listen to these adventures in any order you like. Each one has its own beginning and a hopefully satisfying ending.
Q: Where should I start?
A: Because we have learned how to record better audio over time, we suggest that you start with our most recent season. The older episodes do sometimes have poor sound quality. With that caveat said, we have hundreds of hours of past episodes from multiple past seasons available on That’s P-a-t-r-e-o-n dot com. The vast majority of those episodes use the mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons.
Q: What if I don’t like one of the adventures?
A: If you encounter an episode you don't enjoy? Skip it. Our cast rotates so the players and game master will likely be a different combination of people in the next one you try. It’s the same group of people rotating in different games, but the combination really changes the style and flow of things.
Okay, so that’s some questions and answers about Firebreathing Kittens. We hope you enjoy our show!
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Hello! If you’re enjoying these newer episodes, you should know that we also have hundreds of hours of older episodes on Patreon. Most of them use fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons mechanics. You can find them at